An incomplete chronicle of Crowther and Woods' Colossal Cave Adventure, the "fons et origo of interactive fiction, and one of the hallowed artifacts" of computer gaming history.

Last updated 21 Jul 2023. «

                                     │           │            │            │          │
                                 RUSS0000    CONL0000     WOOD0350     GERR0000    HEAL0000
                                     │                        │
                                 FULL0000                     │
  ┌───────┬───────────┬────────┬─────────┬──────┬────────┬────┴─────┬───┬─────┬───────┬───────┬────────┬─────────┬─────┐  (Others)
  │       │           │        │         │      │        │          │   │     │       │       │        │         │     ├──HEAR0350
EKMA0350 BLKT0350 ERIC0350 BROW0448 JAEG0000 KNUT0350 LUPI0440 PLAT0550ARNS0220 GILL0350 VMCM0350 JAZE_XXX LONG0501 ├──ANAL_XXX
  │       │           │        │         │      │        │          │   │     │       │       │        │         │     ├──ANON0340
  │       │    ┌──────┴─┐  SWEN0448 ┌────┤   ODWY0350    │          │   │ ARNC0220 ┌──┴───┐   ├──────┐ │    ┌────┤     ├──ANON0700
  │       │    │        │           │    │               │          │   │          │      │   │      │ │ HEAL0501│     ├──AUST1100
  │       │ ERIP0350 RICH0500   HUNT0000 │       ┌───────┼────┐ ┌───┤   │          │ GIBI0375BECK0500       │     ├──BAZZ0350
  │       │                         │    │       │       │    │ │   │   │          │      │   │                  │     ├──BROO_XXX
  │     ┌─┴──┬─────┐            WITH0000ARNA0440ARNA0660 │   │     KING0350  GRAY0375  ┌────┬────┬────┤     ├──BUTT_XXX
  │     │    │     │                │    │       │       │    │     │   │                         │    │    │    │     ├──CCS__XXXSUPN0350BREE_XXX    ┌────────┤    │  HEAL0440 ODWY0440 │     │   │                     OSKA0501 │    │ LONG0751 ├──CONR_XXX
  │     │    │             │        │    │                    │     │   │                              │    │    │     ├──CRAY0350 
  │     │ GOET0350   WITB0000  DEAR0000  │           ┌────────┤     │   │                          IIT_0500RUBY0751 ├──DAVI0350
  │     │                                │           │        │     │ WOOD043B                         │    │          ├──EVIS0350	
  │     ├───────┬─────┬─────┬─────┐      │        ARNA0770 KINA0660 │   │                          ANON0501 │          ├──FLEI0350
  │     │       │     │     │     │      │           │              │ WOOD0430                              │          ├──GASI0350TICM0350BLAC0350MURP0350BALL0770          │   │                                MCDO0551      ├──GERA_XXX
  │     │       │           │            │                     ┌────┤   ├─────┬─────┬─────┬─────┬────┐      ├─────┐    ├──JAME_XXX
  │     │    EWHH0366    PLOT0350     CALH0000                 │    │   │     │     │     │     │    │      │     │    ├──HARR0235
  │     │       │           │            │                 HEAL0550 │   │  KIND0430MUNK0430HEAL0430HEAL0551 ├──HART0350KINT0350    │           ├───┬───┐ ┌──┴────┬───────┐             │   │           │           │           │          ├──HEAL0350
  │             │           │   │   │ │       │       │             │ RAYM0430  CARM0430    LOBO0430        │          ├──HEAL0570LIDI0366 (HOLL0350)│ RASM0350 POHL0350 MAYO0350        │                                       │          ├──HOWE0301
  │             │               │     │       │               ┌────>│<─────┬─────┬────┬─────┬──────┬─────┬──┴────┐     ├──JACM0350HEAL0366       BENH0350 BELD0350 │               │     │      │     │    │     │      │     │       │     ├──JACO0365
  │                                           │               │     ├────┐ │ OLSS0551MILL0551JAME0551   │     ├──JONE0210
  │       ┌────────┬────┬─────┬────┬─────┬────┼─────┬───────┐ │     │    │ │          │            │             │     ├──KFML0700
  │       │        │    │     │    │     │    │     │       │ │     │  VANE0560    KINM0551     ODWY0551      PICT0551 ├──LETW0350IBBO0000 FENY0350KENN0000LUMM0350CALL0350  HALL0501  │                                            │     ├──MALM0350
  │                     │     └──┐ │     │    │                     ├─────┬─────┬───────┬─────────────┬────────┐ │     ├──MANO_XXX
  ├─────────┐           │        │ │     │ HELL0350                 │     │     │       │             │        │ │     ├──MCGU_XXX
  │         │       COX_0350  WHIN0450   │    │                  WELL0550ARNA0550 STAD0550PICT0701 ├──MOMA_XXX
BAGG0350 KINE0350       │                │ DAIM0350                 │     │     │                     │          │     ├──MUNO0370
  │                     │                │                          │     │ ┌───┴───┐                 │       PICT0805 ├──NELD0350ADAM0350        HAMO0350                        │     │ │       │                 │                ├──PALT0350
NELS0350                                    (PLOT0350)              │  ODWY0550 KIND0550           GOET0550            ├──QUE20350
  │                                              │                  │                                 │                ├──QUES_XXX
  ├──────┬─────┬────────┬───────┬────────┐       │ ┌────────┬───────┼─────────┐            ┌──────────┼──────────┐     ├──RAUS0350
  │      │     │        │       │        │       │ │        │       │         │            │          │          │     ├──RHOD0350
TESS0350WALT0350 BALD0350 PLON0350 PENN0350 HOLL0350 KINW0550 ARD_0550 STRO0550      GOET0580  DOVE0550   BHCH0565  ├──RUTE0350
         │                                                                                 │                     │     ├──SCBA0350
  ┌──────┼─────┬────────┬───────┬────────┐                                                 ├──────────┐      BHAV0565  ├──SLOA0350
  │      │     │        │       │        │                                                 │          │                ├──SOLO0350
NKMP0350DIAZ0350 ARNO0350 PONT0350 ROBB0350                                          MALM1000   STAD0580            ├──UCLA0365
         │                                                                                 │                           ├──WONG0350
  ┌──────┴─────┬────────┬───────┬────────┐                                            ┌────┴────┐                      ├──ARNA0350
  │            │        │       │        │                                            │         │                      └──YONG_XXX
RAMS0350   STAN0350 ROGE0350 MCGR0350 STAN_XXX                                    GOLD1000  STAN1000                   

All Known Versions and Ports of Adventure

Superscripted texts in [brackets] are footnote references. The table is sortable; just click on a heading to sort by that column.
Current count: 181.

Name Description Language Platform Author Year Download
ADAM0350COX_0350 "adapted for AMC.COM".[RA] PHP Online Rick Adams 2014 Play online / Moby Games entry
ANAL_XXX"Analog Adventure", by ANALOG Software, published by Atari for the Atari 400/800. (C) 1981, apparently written in Atari Basic. Atari Basic Atari 400/800 ANALOG Software 1981 Info only
ANON0340Russian translation and port, mostly of WOOD0350, with two added branches and two new treasures, both unique to this version. No author information.[AN] ANSI C Anonymous Source
ANON0501AKA Adventure 5.2/2. "Prime FORTRAN extension of IITa0500"[D2] (or LONG0501?) FORTRAN Anonymous 1979 IF Archive
ANON0551AKA Adventure 6. ANON0551 is controversial. [D2] has it in place of LONG0551, calling it a "VAX FORTRAN extension of LONG0501". PICT0551 suggests a Long/anon co-authorship. [OD1] argues Anon was McDonald himself.[HA] Kinder suggests Long+Anon[KD].FORTRAN Anonymous 1985 None known
ANON0700"IBM mainframe version".[D2] IBM mainframe Anonymous 1981 None known
ARD_0550Mac version "based on the Unix C version by Ken Wellsch" [WELL0550][IF]. C Macintosh Anthony C. Ard 1991 IF Archive
ARNA0350An A-Code reimplementation of WOOD0350. A-Code Windows/DOS, Linux, cloud, HTML/Javascript, MacOS Mike Arnautov 2020 Arnautov
ARNA0440Restoration and "Fortran-77 port of LUPI0440"[D2][A2], aka Adventure II. FORTRAN Windows/DOS, Linux Mike Arnautov 2001 Arnautov
ARNA0550"built from Dave Platt's Honeywell A-code source dated September 18, 1984."[AR] A-Code Browser, Linux, Mac, DOS, Windows Mike Arnautov 2001 Arnautov / Github
ARNA0660aka Adventure4+. A "merger of ... Adv440 (Luckett and Pike) [LUPI0440] and Adv550 (Platt) [PLAT0550]"[AR] A-Code Browser, Linux, DOS, Amiga Mike Arnautov 1984-85 Arnautov, IF Archive
ARNA0770"This superset of the original Adventure incorporates my Adv660 [ARNA0660] expansion"[AR] A-Code Browser, Linux, Mac, Windows, DOS Mike Arnautov 2003 Arnautov
ARNC0220A "smaller" port of Pyramid 2000 to the CoCo, "where functionality was removed but references were left behind"[PY]. CoCo Robert Arnstein 1982 Online playable and disassembled source.
ARNO0350"German translation ... Based on Z-code port by Graham Nelson [NELS0350]."[IFW] Toni Arnold 1998 IFWiki
ARNS0220Pyramid 2000. This site claims this is "Basically a port of David Platt's A-code Adventure550". While theoretically possible, it seems rather to be a subset of WOOD0350[PY] TRS-80 Model I Robert Arnstein 1979 Online playable and disassembled source.
AUST1100Level 9's "Colossal Adventure" for Amstrad, Atari, BBC, Commodore, ZX Spectrum, etc. Apparently an expansion of the "original" Adventure.[AU] Amstrad CPC, Atari 8-bit, BBC Micro, Camputers Lynx, Commodore 64, Enterprise, Memotech MTX, MSX, Nascom, Oric, ZX Spectrum Peter, Nick & Mike Austin 1982 Moby Games entry / BBC / C64 1 / C64 2 / CPC
BAGG0350TADS port "converted from Donald Ekman's PC port [EKMA0350] of the original FORTRAN source".[BA] Z-Code Inform David M Baggett 1993 DOS / TADS
BALD0350Recompile of NELS0350 under Glulx with toolbar.[IFA] Z-Code Inform Simon Baldwin 1996 IF Archives
BALL0770Port of ARNA0770 (aka Adv770) to iOS, by Brian Ball.[iAS] Brian Ball 2015 iOS App Store
BAZZ0350Object C++ port of " the 70's game Colossal Cave Adventure"[BZ] (apparently, WOOD0350). Possibly incomplete. Object C++ Sebastian "Bazze" Norling 2015 Source
BECK0500UCSD Pascal port of, possibly, WOOD0350 with extensions taken from JAZE_XXX[BE]. UCSD Pascal Ted Beck Z80Pack website
Another version
BELD0350A port or recompile of RASM0350 for the Amiga and Atari ST. Amiga, Atari ST Tony L. Belding 1987 / 1992 Moby Games info
BENH0350A reimplimentation of PLOT0350 as a Windows batch file.[DB] Windows batch Windows Dave Benham 2013 Download
BHAV0565Windows console-mode port of BHCH0565.[BH] Ravi Bhavnani 2000 EXE / source
BHCH0565VMS rewrite and expansion of "GOET0550 + a 15 point extension by Marc and myself".[BH] VAX (VMS) Ravi Bhavnani & Marc Chardon 1987 source
BLAC0350Microsoft Fortran port of SUPN0350[BL]. MS FORTRAN DOS Kevin B. Black 1987 Source / DOS exe / Moby Games entry
BLKT0350Fortran IV Plus port of WOOD0350[D2][BK][SU] FORTRAN PDP 11/70 (IAS) Kent Blackett 1977[BK] None known
BREE_XXXPort of BLKT0350.[BR] OMSI PASCAL RSX11M, PDP 11/23[BR] Barry C. Breen 1980 Source
BROO_XXX"Enhanced" version of WOOD0350, with "added locations, text added, puzzles reworked," by Nigel Brooks.[NB] ZX Spectrum Nigel Brooks 1987 None known
BROW0448Modification of WOOD0350 "for the Brown University system". Now lost and known only from SWEN0448.[SW] FORTRAN Wallace, Nebiker, Albert, Wu 1978 Github
BUTT_XXX"A condensed port of Adventure"[BU] (aka Colossal Cave) for the C64 and Commodore Pet. C64; Commodore Pet Jim Butterfield IF Archive
CALH0000"BDS/C update of JAEG0000"[D2] "Trivial" modifications to Jaeger to compile under BDS-C 1.43.[CA] BDS C L. C. Calhoun 1985 CP/M Archives
CALL0350A "fully functional 350-point version of the classic Colossal Cave Adventure game - written in SLAX as a Junos op script." Apparently a port of POHL0350[CL] SLAX Juno op script JunOS Curtis Call 2009 GitHub source
CARM0430EC Software Consulting's "translation of Don Woods 430 point extension [WOOD0430]"[EC]. Android EC Consulting, Inc. 2009 EC Software
CCS__XXXCreative Computing Software's Original Adventure for Atari and TRS-80. Basic / SAM76 Atari / TRS-80 Creative Computing Software 1981 Atari Download
CONL0000"intended to be a faithful Inform 7 port of Crowther's original Colossal Cave[CROW0000]".[CO] Appears unplayably buggy. Inform 7 Chris Conley 2011 IF Archives
CONR_XXX"Quest is a text adventure game for RSTS/E. ... part of the ADVENTURE game has been implemented...." Seems to be an amalgam of Adventure and DUNGEON. The Quest System PDP-11 / RSTS/E Alan Conroy (Conroy & Conroy) DECUS SIG v88
COX_0350"The original 350 points version ... converted to ... PHP."[IFA] A "PHP version of the BDS C port [POHL0350] of ... Crowther."[CX] PHP Matt Cox IF Archives
CRAY0350An early port to CP/M; discovered in the First Osborne Group's software collection.[CR] Osborne (CP/M) Chuck Crayne ZNode51
CROW0000"The original (pre Don Woods) version of Colossal Cave Adventure, written by Will Crowther."[IFA][IFW] PDP-10 FORTRAN PDP-10 Will Crowther 1975 Source / Windows EXE
DAIM0350Turbo C port of POHL0350[D2] or HELL0350[DA] Turbo C Daimler IF Archives
DAVI0350Known only from its Moby Games entry. Simplified version of WOOD0350 for "early browsers". Browser Andrew Daviel 1994
DEAR0000Adaptation of WITH0000 for iPod / iPhone. iPhone Robert Dea 2011 Moby Games entry
DIAZ0350Spanish translation of NELS0350.[IFA] Jose Luis Diaz 1997 IF Archives
DOVE0550A port either of GOET0550 or "from a DEC PDP-11".[DO] Microsoft FORTRAN Steve Dover IF Archives
EKMA0350"Microsoft Fortran 5 port of PDP 11-70 port of WOOD0350".[D2] MS FORTRAN 5 DOS, Amiga Don Ekman 1990 Source/DOS exe
ERIC03501977-78 port of WOOD0350 to the CDC 6400 running NOS/BE.[EP] FORTRAN CDC 6400 running NOS/BE David P. Erickson 1978 No source available
ERIP0350Port of ERIC0350 to PRIMOS.[ER] Prime 450 / PRIMOS David P. Erickson 1978 No source available
EVIS0350Syrtis Software, published by Micro Gold (UK). A seemingly faithful port of WOOD0350".[EV] ZX Spectrum 16K, 32K, 48K Michael J. Evis 1981 World of Spectrum
EWHH0366Conversion of SUPN0350 to SCOPE by "R. Emerson, W. Wirth, S. Hobson, W. Hein, S. Connard", et al. R. Emerson, W. Wirth, et al. Source: here and here
FENY0350"C port of POHL0350 to Coherent".[D2] Parentage unknown. David Fenyes 1990
FLEI0350"iAdventure". Port of WOOD0350 to the iPad. iPad Anton Fleig 2010 Moby Games entry
FULL0000A simple g77 recompile of RUSS0000 for "some old Mac" which introduced no changes.[OD1] Macintosh Troy Fullwood IF Archive
GASI0350"AGT port of WOOD0350".[D2] David Gasior 1991 v1.4
GERA_XXX"The original Crowther and Woods ... for the Amstrad CPC 464." DuckSoft (or Duckworth Home Computing). Per Moby Games, "a faithful adaptation". Amstrad CPC, Commodore 64 Peter Gerard 1985 Disk image
GERR0000A port of "Will Crowther's original Colossal Cave 'Adventure' source code [CROW0000] to Microsoft Micro Color Basic."[GE]. Microsoft Micro Color Basic TRS-80 MC-10 Jim Gerrie 2015 MC-10 Emulator with game code
GIBI0375C extension for CP/M and MS-DOS of, probably, GILL0350[GI]; commercial version by The Software Toolworks.[D2] Added the stock certificates puzzle.[?] C CP/M; MS-DOS Jim Gillogly & Walt Bilofski[D2] 1982[D2] CP/M / DOS
GILL0350"UNIX/C port of WOOD0350".[D2] C UNIX, Amiga Jim Gillogly IF Archives
GOET0350AKA Adventure A02. Port of, apparently, BLKT0350[GO] to CP/M. FORTRAN CP/M Mike Goetz 1980 ca. IF Archives
GOET0550AKA B00 and B01. Port of PLAT0550[GO]. A-Code CP/M Mike Goetz 1980 IF Archives
GOET0580Aka B02, B03, C00, C01. Expansion of GOET0550 with additional locations and treasures.[GO] A-Code CP/M, online, browser, HTML/Javascript, Linux, MacOS, Windows, DOS emulator Mike Goetz 1993 IF Archives, Mipmips.
GOLD1000Macintosh port of MALM1000 Macintosh Al Golden IF Archives
GRAY0375An expansion, possibly of VMCM0350, with material taken from GIBI0375, written in Six, for an IBM mainframe.[GR] Six (BM mainframe Chris Gray 1980 Source
HALL0501"Port of Doug McDonald [MCDO0551]... build[ing] on top of Jerry Pohl [POHL0350]... ."[ODH] Robert R. Hall 1994 Source: here, here and here
HAMO0350"Native client" (browser) port of LUMM0350. Dom Hamon 2011 Moby Games entry / Download
HARR0235A seemingly faithful implementation of WOOD0350, save for the reduced score. Parentage unknown. The Quill System ZX Spectrum 48K, Commodore 64 Ross Harris 1985 Download
HART0350"A port of the Original Adventure game by Crowther and Woods to Linux."[HR] Probably WOOD0350. Linux James M. Hartley Jr. 2001 Hartley's site
HEAL0000Javascript port of CROW0000.[HE] Javascript Scott Healey Gobberwarts
HEAL0350Javascript port of WOOD0350.[HE] Javascript Scott Healey Gobberwarts
HEAL0366Javascript port of LIDI0366.[HE] Javascript Scott Healey Gobberwarts
HEAL0430Javascript port of WOOD0430.[HE] Javascript Scott Healey Gobberwarts
HEAL0440Javascript port of ARNA0440.[HE] Javascript Scott Healey Gobberwarts
HEAL0501Javascript port of LONG0501.[HE] Javascript Scott Healey Gobberwarts
HEAL0550Javascript port of PLAT0550.[HE] Javascript, A-Code Scott Healey Gobberwarts
HEAL0551Javascript port of MACD0551.[HE] Javascript Scott Healey Gobberwarts
HEAL0570In-source credits read only, "An extension of the advent350 port." An original expansions of WOOD0350.[HE] Javascript Scott Healey Gobberwarts
HEAR0350IBM mainframe REXX port of WOOD0350.[HE] IBM mainframe REXX Scott Healey 2009 Source
HELL0350OS/2 conversion of POHL0350 (mentioned in DAIM0350 start-up screen, but not mentioned on Hartley's site). OS/2 James M. Hartley Jr. None known
HOLL0350A recreation in Flash ActionScript of WELL0550, pared back to PLOT0350.[HO] Flash ActionScript Wesley Holland Play online
HOWE0301Port of WOOD0350 to the Atari. Atari Robert A. Howell 1982 None known
HUNT0000Some spelling corrections, possibly to JAEG0000.[WI] Greg Huntzinger None known
IBBO0000ANSI C standardization of POHL0350 ANSI C Peter M. Ibbotson 1988 None known
IIT_0500Dalenberg has IITa0500 and IITb0500[D2], but they seem to have been no more than in-progress snapshots of something (ANON0501?) in development. None known
JACM0350"Full, complete, uncut conversion" of WOOD0350. Apple II DOS Master Jacobi 1981 None known
JACO0365Prime FORTRAN extension of WOOD0350 Prime FORTRAN John Jacobsma None known
JAEG0000"BDS/C port of WOOD0350 (split score)"[D2] for the Altair 8800[JA] BDS C Altair 8800 Jay R. Jaeger None known
JAME0551A recompile of MCDO0551 for PANOS 1.4 for the BBC Micro/BBC Master.[JN] FORTRAN 77 BBC Micro/BBC Master Daniel Jameson 2016 Stardot forums
JAME_XXX"This 9845 program version probably comes from a BASIC port originally distributed by L. W. James and Associates for the 9845 series. I found it on an old 9845A tape and made it available as a generic version for all members of the System 45 family."[JM] Hewlett Packard 9845 HP 9845 Project
JAZE_XXXA "CDC CYBER 74 FORTRAN" port and expansion of, possibly, WOOD0350[BE]. CDC Cyber 74 FORTRAN Tony Jarrett and Paul Zemlin None known
JONE0210AKA "Adventure 1", AKA "Colossal Caves". "Full version of the classic mainframe game". Variously published by Abersoft, Amsoft, Micro Gold, etc., for the ZX Spectrum 48K.[JO] Parentage unknown. ZX Spectrum 48K, Amstrad, BBC, Commodore, etc. John Jones-Steele 1982 Online / ROM image
KENN0000OS/2 2.x port of POHL0350. OS/2 2.x John W. Kennedy Source / Executable
KFML0700Descendant of WOOD0350, possibly written in PL/1 for an IBM mainframe.[KF] PL/1? IBM mainframe? Koch, Fry, et al None known
KINA0660Amiga port of ARNA0660. C source & exe; Requires KickStart 2.04, plus Win GLK build. C Amiga David Kinder Amiga: 1996 / Win: 2002 IF Archive
KIND0430Amiga port of WOOD0430. Amiga David Kinder IF Archive
KIND0550Windows GLK build of ARNA0550 Windows Mike Arnautov 2002 None known
KINE0350Amiga port of EKMA0350. Amiga David Kinder IF Archive
KING0350Amiga port of GILL0350. Amiga David Kinder IF Archive
KINM0551Amiga port of MCDO0551. Amiga David Kinder IF Archive
KINT0350Amiga port of TICM0350. Amiga David Kinder IF Archive
KINW0550Amiga port of WELL0550. Amiga David Kinder IF Archive
KNUT0350Conversion to C/CWEB of WOOD0350 C/CWEB Donald E. Knuth 2003 Source / PDF / Z8 binary
LETW0350AKA Microsoft Adventure. A commercial port of, probably, WOOD0350.[MS] Tandy & MS-DOS 1.0[MS] Gordon Letwin 1979: TRS-80 / 1981: IBM TRS80: v1.0 / v1.1 / other / IBM
LIDI0366FORTRAN port of EWHH0366.[OD2] FORTRAN Stephen O Lidie Lidie's site
LOBO0430Lobotomo Software's "graphical front-end for Don Woods' 1995 v2.5 of the original text adventure game". Macintosh 2003 Moby Games entry
LONG0501AKA Adventure 5. DEC FORTRAN IV extension of WOOD0350 (note some sources, e.g., [PA] call this a 501-pt version) DEC FORTRAN IV David Long 1979 IF Archives
LONG0751DEC FORTRAN extension of LONG0501 DEC FORTRAN David Long None known
LUMM0350Mentioned as the ancestor of HAMO0350 in a Moby Games entry. QNX 4 port and bug fix of POHL0350. QNX 4 James Lummel UNIX source
LUPI0440Fortran IV extension of WOOD0350 FORTRAN IV Peter Luckett & Jack Pike 1978 None known. See ARNA0440[LU]
MALM0350AGT port of WOOD0350 AGT David Malmberg 1993 Source w/AGT / Source only
MALM1000Dalenberg calls MALM1000 an "AGT extension of PLAT0550 (AKA hugecave)"[D2]. O'Dwyer argues it descends from GOET0580, with material from LETW0350[MA] AGT DOS David Malmberg DOS / Source / Amiga / Win31
MANO_XXX"Adventure", by Max Manowski for the Atari. Atari Max Manowski 1981 Online
MAYO0350"C port (and clean-up) of CALH0000?"[D2] C Scott Mayo 1992 None known
MCDO0551Fortran-77 clean-up and port of LONG0501[MC]. FORTRAN 77 DOS, Amiga Doug McDonald 1990 Source / DOS / Amiga
MCGR0350"the original 350 points version ported to ZIL by Jesse McGrew, based on ealier work by Graham Nelson and Dave Baggett, with some elements of the original Fortran version restored."[IFA] ZIL Jesse McGrew 2015 Game / Source
MCGU_XXXA version for the Spectrum. Some differences noted: scoring is reported in percentages, and when dropped off in the building, most treasures "disappear down a hole for safe keeping" and can no longer be seen. Parentage unknown. Spectrum Paul McGuire 1985 World of Spectrum
MILL0551Fortran-90 port of MCDO0551 with multiple saves FORTRAN 90 Alan Miller 1990 None known
MOMA_XXXSpanish (Castilian) implementation (of WOOD0350?) for the Spectrum with graphic illustrations. Spectrum, Amstrad, Commodore 64, MSX Andres Roberto Samudio Monro, Manuel Gonzalez Martinez, Carlos Marques 1989 World of Spectrum
MURP0350Port of SUPN0350 to the PDP-8 FORTRAN PDP-8 Charles Murphy Source
MUNK0430Macintosh, Amiga, DOS ports of WOOD0430 Mac, Amiga, DOS Jacob Munkhammar MAC exe / Source / DOS exe
MUNO0370MS DOS PDS FORTRAN v5.10 port of WOOD0350. "MS FORTRAN extension of WOOD0350"[D2][MU]. PDS FORTRAN DOS Paul Muñoz-Colman 1996 DOS exe / DOS source
NELD0350Port to Fortran 77 of BAGG0350. Download link is currently to the unprocessed directory at IF Archive; that will change in the future. FORTRAN 77 Dan Nelson 2016 IF Archive
NELS0350Inform 6 port of BAGG0350[IFA]. Inform 6 Graham Nelson 2006 Source / Z5
NKMP0350An Inform 6 implementation of Nick Nicholas' translation of the text of NELS0350 into Lojban.[NK] Inform 6 Nick Nicholas, et al 2002 Z-Code
ODWY0350"A modern ANSI C port of" KNUT0350 with, per O'Dwyer, some reversions and a bug fix. ANSI C Arthur O'Dwyer 2014 Github
ODWY0440"A modern ANSI C port of" LUPI0440. ANSI C Arthur O'Dwyer 2014 Github
ODWY0550"A modern ANSI C port of" the data file from PLAT0550 with ARNA0550 for the 'command kernel'. ANSI C Arthur O'Dwyer 2014 Github
ODWY0551"A modern ANSI C port of" MCDO0551. ANSI C Arthur O'Dwyer 2014 Github
OLSS0551"DOS version of MCDO0551"[D2]. "A recompilation of MCDO0551 with no new material."[OD1] Docs: "compiled by me ... from sources published in" FORTRAN 77 Amiga[OL], DOS Magnus Olsson 1990 IF Archive
OSKA0501Port of LONG0501 to Fortran 77 FORTRAN 77 Johann Gunnar Oskarsson 1990 IF Archives
PALT0350Port or recompile of WOOD0350.[PAL] Gary Palter Play online
PENN0350Recompile of NELS0350 for Inform 6.[IFA] Jason Penney 2001 Source
PICT0551While TADS PolyAdventure makes this a port of a "551-point version by David Long and an anonymous author"[PA], it is probably actually a port of MCDO0551[MC]. David Picton TADS binary / source
PICT0701"A 701-point version by David Picton, combining the 550-point and 551-point versions."[PA] David Picton IF Archive
PICT0805"A 701+-point version by David Picton, based on the 701-point version but with new extensions."[PA] David Picton IF Archive
PLAT0550AKA Adventure 3, Adventure 550, and CP-V Adventure. "Fortran extension of WOOD0350".[D2] FORTRAN 77, A-Code/PL-6/FORTRAN XEROX SIGMA-9 / CP-V, DOS David Platt 1979-84 Source / DOS
PLON0350Recompile of NELS0350 under Glulx Inform. Andrew Plotkin 1996 IF Archives
PLOT0350"Rehost of DECUS 11-340 [SUPN0350]"; incl. Fortran-77 mods. RT-11 FORTRAN / MS FORTRAN PDP-11/03, DOS Kent Plotkin 1994 IF Archives
POHL0350Turbo C port for MS-DOS of CALH0000 (split score) Unix, OS/2 Unix, OS/2, DOS Jerry Pohl 1990 Textfiles / OS/2 source / OS/2 exe / DOS exe
PONT0350French translation of NELS0350 Jean-Luc Pontico 2001 IF Archive
QUE20350Quest text adventure builder[Q2] port of "Adventure (Crowther and Woods). Browser, Windows 1983 Quest file
QUES_XXXQuest Software Adventure for Kaypro II (CP/M)[QU], etc. Kaypro II, Osborne I, Xerox, Micro Design (CP/M) 1983 None known
RAMS0350Swedish translation of NELS0350 Frederik Ramsberg 2007 IF Archive
RASM0350Crowther & Woods' Colossal Cave converted to Megamax C for Atari-ST. Based on CALH0000, possibly PLOT0350, and a third, unidentified source.[RS] Amiga, Atari ST[RS] Marvin W. Rasmussen 1987 IF Archive / Disk image / Moby Games entry
RAUS0350A straight port ("nothing has been added and nothing left out") of, apparently, WOOD0350 to the Apple II.[R2] Apple II John Rausch 1981 Internet Archive / Source disk 1 / / Source disk 2
RAYM0430Aka Open-Adventure. A port of WOOD0430 to modern C code. C Eric S. Raymond 2017 Source / Github
RICH0500Pascal port and extension of ERIC0350.[RI]. Pascal CDC 6400; IBM/MVS George Richmond 1979 GitHub
RHOD0350Port of "the original 1977 FORTRAN code by Crowther and Woods" to Python 3. Python 3 Brandon Rhodes 2010 GitHub
ROBB0350Dutch translation of NELS0350 Yuri Robbers 2002 IF Archive
RODR0350"iColossal Cave Adventure" iPhone Juan del Valle Rodríguez 2010 App Store
ROGE0350ADRIFT port of NELS0350 Nick Rogers 2006 None known
RUBY0751Q-Basic recreation of LONG0751.[RB] Microsoft QBASIC C. Ruby 1996 Source
RUSS0000Fortran-77 modification of CROW0000.[RU] Matthew Russotto 2007 Source / Linux binaries
RUTE0350iPod/iPhone port of WOOD0350 with voice recognition input. Richard Rutenberg 2010 Moby Games entry
SCBA0350A Bit Better Software's "Adventure", "adapted from the original Don Woods computer fantasy game".[BS] Apple Peter Schmuckal & Leonard Barshack 1980 Internet Archives / VirtualApple
SLOA0350Partial advsys port of WOOD0350 Bob Sloane None known
SMIT0350Windows port of WOOD0350 to the SUDS environment. Windows SUDS Matthew Smith 2007
SOLO0350Microsoft Fortran port of WOOD0350 Alan Solomon None known
STAD0550"The 550-point extended version by David Platt, ported by Bennett Standeven."[PA] TADS Bennett Standeven IF Archive
STAD0580"The 580-point extended version by Mike Goetz, ported by Bennett Standeven."[PA] TADS Bennett Standeven IF Archive
STAN0350GINAS port of NELS0350 Jeff Standish 1995 IF Archive
STAN1000Version 2.0 is an Apple iOS port of MALM1000[iAS]. For v1.0 see STAN_XXX Shawn Stanley 2008 / 2009 Apple App Store
STAN_XXXiOS App Store description suggests a port of WOOD0350,[iAS]. Moby Games suggests a port of NELS0350. See also STAN1000. Shawn Stanley 2010 / 2014 Apple App Store
STRO0550Combined DOS/Win version of WELL0550 Windows 3.x Wolfgang Strobl 1992 None known
SUPN0350Fortran IV port of BLKT0350[SU] Fortran IV[SU] PDP 11/03[SU] Bob Supnik 1978[SU] IF Archives
SWEN0448Modification of BROW0448 "for the ITS system" at MIT. Recently rediscovered as part of a PDP-10/ITS collection.[SW] FORTRAN IV PDP 10/ITS Eric J. Swenson[SW] 1979 Github
TESS0350Hugo port of NELS0350 Hugo Kent Tessman If Archives
TICM0350Fortran-77 port of SUPN0350; aka DECUS Release 4 FORTRAN 77 Linards Ticmanis 1998; updated 2001 IF Archive
UCLA0365UCLA extension to WOOD0350.[UC] None known
VANE0560"Derives primarily from MCDO0551 with a little bit of content borrowed from PLAT0550 or later and a little bit of original content. It is written in Intel Fortran 2008."[VA] Intel FORTRAN 2008 Neal Van Eck 2011 EXE: IF Archive / Microsiris
Src: IF Archive / Microsiris
VMCM0350"PL/1 port of WOOD0350 for VM/CMS."[D2][VM] PL/1 VM/CMS Unknown[D2] Here and here. Now here.
WALT0350Inform extension to WOOD0350; added Enchanter-style spells.[WA] Inform Jay Walton 1997 Z-Code
Inform source
WELL0550UNIX/C port of PLAT0550 C UNIX BSD 4.2 / VAX 11/780, DOS/Windows, Amiga, Mac Ken Wellsch 1982-85 Source / DOS/Win / Amiga / Mac
WHIN0450MS VC 6.0 port of POHL0350; optional 400/450 pt levels. Win32 console mode. MS VC 6.0 Win-32 console Al Whinery 2007 IF Archive
WITB0000Microsoft C 5.1 port of WITH0000.[WI] Bob Withers 1990 IF Archive
WITH0000"Eco-C88 port of JAEG0000"[D2] or HUNT0000[WI]. MS C DOS Bob Withers 1985 None known
WONG0350Conversion to Forth of WOOD0350 Leo Wong 2002 None known
WODD0350C port of WOOD0350 to C for a MacBook. C MacBook John T. Wodder 2015 GitHub
WOOD0350Extension and Fortran 10 port of CROW0000[WO] FORTRAN PDP-10 Don Woods 1977 Ver. 1 / Ver. 2
WOOD0430Aka Adventure 2.5. Wood's port of WOOD043B" to C.[WO] C DOS, Amiga Don Woods 1978/1995 Source / DOS / Amiga
WOOD043BAka Adventure 2 or Adventure II. Don Woods' expansion of WOOD0350.[WO] FORTRAN IV PDP-10 Don Woods 1978/1995 Source / DOS / Amiga
YONG_XXXAn adaptation of a "48k Spectrum version of ... Crowther" to Intelligent-Design's .NET UI with some things removed.[YO] Windows .NET C.Yong 2006 IF Archive


[AN] A link to the source was posted on the Wikipedia Adventure talk page. From an email discussion between A. O'Dwyer and Leo Broukhis, this appears to be a version of WOOD0350 "plus two major added branches and two new treasures: a ruby necklace and an MNOS boot disk." That discussion also ruminated on a Russian port made on bet in 3 days, and speculates about the possible existence of at least one other unknown Russian version.
[A2] Whether ARNA0440 is distinct from LUPI0440 (as Dalenberg holds) or an indistinguishably close reconstruction, is left as an exercise for the reader. See the history of ARNA0440.
[AR] Mike Arnautov's website.
[AU] Much additional information is available here.
[BA] Opening screen of BAGG0350.
[BE] From the source code of BECK0500: "The history of this version of Adventure has been lost, and I am unable to credit the originator. This program was converted to UCSD Pascal from a PL/1 version found on our local computer system. This version was obviously converted from a Fortran version (it said so in the comments) but any history was not indicated. ... Extended by Ted Beck. The changes to make the 500-point version were converted from a CDC CYBER 74 FORTRAN program written by Tony Jarrett and Paul Zemlin. It in turn was modified from an early DEC PDP-11 FORTRAN version of Adventure." Pending discovery of additional information, I am tentatively identifying the "PL/1 version ... converted from a Fortran version" with VMCM0350, as no other PL/1 version (save KFML0700) is currently known; and the "early DEC PDP-11 FORTRAN version" with WOOD0350. The game docs include a further note: "Some bugs fixed by George Schreyer", so some argument might be made that this should be designated SHCR0500. But unless a few bug fixes prove significant historically, there seems no real reason. Note that no dates are indicated in the docs. Here is what appears to be the same, however there are some formatting differences (at least) in the source files.
[BH] At his web page Ravi describes BHCH0565 as a rewrite of a 565-pt Platt version, and BHAV0565 as a DOS port of BHCH0565. Conversely, the BHCH0565 docs describe it as a port of GOET0565. However, there is no known Platt 565-pt version, and while BHAV0565 shares all the content of PLAT0550/GOET0550, the content it adds beyond those is altogether different from the extended content of GOET0565. In private email conversations, Ravi has acknowledged that BHAV0565 is not, in fact, a port of GOET0565, but of "GOET0550 + a 15 point extension by Marc and myself". Though as of Aug. 2017 he has not made the source code available at his site, I have made it available for download here.
[BL] README file packed with obtained from the Interactive Fiction Archives.
[BR] From the README file packaged with the source: "This version of the "Adventures" game is written in OMSI PASCAL V1.2 running under RSX11M V3.2 BL26 on a PDP 11/23." Also see Russel Dahlenberg's post. That BREE_XXX is descended from BLKT0350 is presumed from the comment "MODIFIED BY KENT BLACKETT" in the README.
[BS] The online playbable versions at the Internet Archive and at VirtualApple seem to be the same. In addition, there is an entry at MOCAGH, but whether that represents the same game is unclear.
[BU] Description accompanying the BUTT_XXX downloadable files at the Interactive Fiction Archives.
[BZ] The description at the GitHub site reads, "An objective C++ implementation of the 70's game Colossal Cave Adventure. Currently playable to level 15", and the data file appears to be just a vanilla WOOD0350 one. What "playable to level 15" means, however, is uncertain.
[CA] Accompanying READ.ME says, "These modifications (trivial) and compilation/checkout were done by: L. C. Calhoun PE ... to fit the standard BDS-C Version 1.43 utilities." Opening info screen says, "This program was originally developed by Willie Crowther. Most of the features of the current program were added by Don Woods. This version, written in BDS 8080 C was adapted by Jay R. Jaeger." It does not mention Calhoun.
[CO] Note in the source file for CONL0000 obtained from the Interactive Fiction Archives.
[CL] The SLAX source claims it to be an implementation of the "350-point version of the classic Colossal Cave Adventure". However, the accompanying XML file references Pohl and a comparison with POHL0350 seems to confirm it as the source; however CALL0350 adds an object or two -- a satyr and a tome, at least -- and a few extra action verbs.
[CR] Found on Volume 61 of the First Osborne Group's software collection, without source or documentation. The only identifying information is the message "THIS VERSION IMPLEMENTED BY CHUCK CRAYNE - FEEDBACK REQUESTED" which appears when answering YES to the initial "Would you like news?" question.
[CX] The README file packed with COX_0350.
[D1] Russel Dalenberg's "Adventure Family Tree" chart.
[D2] Russel Dalenberg's "Versions and Ports of Adventure known to exist". (Archived here.)
[DA] Opening screen of DAIM0350 credits Crowther --> Woods --> Jaeger --> Pohl --> Heller, reading, "OS/2 Conversion by Martin Heller - Conversion to TurboC 2.0 by Daimler.
[DB] See the Delphi Forums discussion, and the DOSTips forum discussion.
[DO] While the docs packaged with the game say only "This game of Adventure was ported from a DEC PDP-11 system and converted to work with Microsoft Fortran," the in-game NEWS response is identical to GOET0550.
[EC] EC Consulting's web page for CARM0430. Also Moby Games.
[EP] Information about ERIC0350 comes from private emails from David Erickson describing his early port of WOOD0350 and making it the source of RICH0500 (George asked me for the code specfically to port to Pascal"). Erickson ported to either CDC FORTRAN IV or Minnesota FORTRAN on the CDC 6400, but the sources are now lost.
[ER] In a private email, David Erickson states that he ported ERIC0350 to the Primos.
[EV] Syrtis Software port of, apparently, WOOD0350. Author, Michael Evis. See the World of Spectrum entry. UPDATE: I have received additional information from Gareth Pitchford with a link to his page. It would appear Evis originally ported this in May 1981 as a 16K game, later updated to 32K, and then again in 1983 to 48K for the ZX Spectrum. It was also variously marketed by NASCOM, under Evis' own Syrtis Software, and under Evis' name. It was re-released by Micro Gold Software, apparently in 1983 (the screenshots at Spectrum World being apparently from this re-release). More information is available at Pitchford's page.
[GE] On 30 Oct '15 Gerrie posted a message in the comments section for Adventure over at IFDB: "For Retrochallenge 2015 I ported Will Crowther's original Colossal Cave "Adventure" source code to Microsoft Micro Color Basic. ... I re-coded the program from the Fortran source code and data file of Will Crowther's original version of 'Advent' for the PDP-10 recently recovered from an old back-up tape by Dennis Jerz. This is not the classic '350 point' version modified by Don Woods." The link was to a ZIP file which included an MC-10 (the TRS-80 MC-10 was a low-cost Tandy machine which sold briefly in the early '80s) emulator written apparently for Windows 95/98, but which still runs under Wine on Linux. To play, launch the emulator, type CLOAD, hit ENTER, then select File/Play cassette file... and navigate to cassette/JimG/COLOSSAL.C10. Then type RUN and hit ENTER.
[GI] Per Rick Adams' "A History of Adventure", "Jim Gillogly ... spent several weeks in 1976 porting" WOOD0350 "into C for UNIX. ... Gillogly later ported the code to Heathkit and then IBM-PC personal computers with the help of Walt Bilofsky." GIBI0375, then, seems clearly to be a child of GILL0350. See also the MOCAGH entry. From an email from Don Wood to Rod Lockwood (view this page's source for the full text): "The only other version that has any claim to canon would be the one by Software Toolworks, which sent a copy to Crowther and me in the hope that we would bless it as being the same as 'original' Adventure (meaning v1). We played through it and noted that there were a couple new puzzles added, so we worded our approval accordingly: all the features of the original, and some new content that we felt was in the spirit of the original. (We also suppled our signatures to be included on the Certificate of Wizardry -- or some such title -- that the Software Toolworks version let you order from them using a code obtained by getting the top score.) One of the puzzles they added I remember being impressed enough with that I would consider adding it back into my version if I were moved to extend it again."
[GO] GOET0350 (A02): Prior to the fall of 1980, Mike Goetz released his Adventure A02 for CP/M a "modification of the original Adventure game floating around between CP/M users" (Russel Dalenberg identifies this as BLKT0350).

GOET0550 (B00, B01): Then in the fall of that year he released version B00 for CP/M, a port of PLAT0550’s munger/executable to K&R C together with an early version of the A-Code supplied by Platt. Per Mike Arnautov, there were "no player-visible game changes or additions" from PLAT0550 to GOET0550. B00 ran on Z80 CPUs only, so in the spring of 1981 Goetz released B01, a recompile of B00 to run on 8080-based systems.

GOET0580(B02, B03, C00, C01): In December 1981 followed B02, in which the "cave was expanded somewhat" and the score increased with, per Mike Arnautov, 9 extra locations, 2 two more treasures (30 pts), 2 other portable objects, 12 features, 2 additional magic words and 30 new text messages. Though the in-game VERSIONS command mentions a 565-point version (per Arnautov, likely lacking the rift/study expansion beyond the machine room), it seems doubtful now that it was ever actually released. December 1983 saw the release of B03, which differed from B02 only in adding added text encryption. Finally, in February 1987, Goetz issued a recompile of B03 for DOS-based PCs, calling it C00 (with bug fixes subsequently issuing in C01, C01.1 and C01.2. There were no user-facing differences between B03 and C00.

In 2020, Arthur O'Dwyer was able to contact Mike Goetz and, in July, obtained the A-code source to C01.1. Together, he and Mike Arnautov have reconstructed the A-code source for most of Goetz's B0x variants and the history of the Goetz branch. Most of the updated information here comes from Arthur and Mike's work.
[GR] GRAY0375 was written for an adventure game system called Six/Fant, a system developed by Chris Gray himself, which ran on an IBM mainframe under VTMS. The author recalls in private emails working from a PL/1 source, which I am assuming was VMCM0350 because I am unaware of any other PL/1 version at the time. Though the source code bears a date of 1980, it clearly has borrowed additional material from GIBI0375, which was not released until 1982. More information is available on Gray's site.
[HA] "The History of Adventure" by "Ima Wimp", aka Doug McDonald. Regarding the ANON0551 controversy, O'Dwyer argues[OD1] the confusion stems from the assertion in HA that "The castle problem was added in late 1984 by an anonymous writer," which he considers simply a self-deprecating self-reference by McDonald. Others (e.g., [PA]) erred, O'Dwyer argues, in accepting McDonald's assertion at face value.
[HE] Over at Gobberwarts, Scott Healy has done javascript ports of a number of versions. From a private email he says, "I approached the ports with the aim of making them as faithful as possible. The exception is ADV570, being a new version I took liberties in a few areas (for example offering a solution to the lamp running out of power). All the additions in ADV570 are mine." Mike Arnautov informs me in a private email that HEAL0550 is "effectively A-Code", just incorporated into the javascript source rather than read separately from disk.
[HO] From an email from Wesley Holland to Arthur O'Dwyer, dated 15 May 2016: "I had a copy of ... Plotkin's 350-point version (PLOT0350)." Deciding to reimplement it in flash ("as an exercise to learn ActionScript"), he went looking for source code, and discovered WELL0550. " I pulled the descriptions from there ... making a handful of small changes along the way as necessary to conform with the 350-point map."
[HR] See the README file packaged with the source code.
[IFA]The Interactive Fiction Archives.
[IFW]IFWiki's Adventure page.
[iAS]The iOS App Store.
[JM] Not much is known about parentage or authorship. The game itself comes in a .hpi package, which apparently is a virtual floppy image for use with HPDrive and an ISA interface board which allows connecting a real HP 9845 computer to a Windows-based PC to utilize the PC as a mass storage device. This is not an emulator, but requires a working 9845. I have not located any HP 9845 emulators, let alone one that would load and run this image. Much further information is available at The HP 9845 Project website.
[JN] From the Stardot forum post: "Colossal Cave, 551 Point Version for Panos ... It was compiled on Panos 1.4." From a private email from Jameson: "Panos runs on the BBC Micro/BBC Master."
[JO] MOCAGH. TZX Vault. CPC History. MobyGames. 8BS. Wikipedia. EMU Paradise. IF Legends. ZX-81 Stuff. World of Spectrum. Personal correspondence with John Elliot revealed the total score of 210 pts. In particular, it eliminates geography-based scoring, and the two points WOOD0350 gave for discovering the treasure. John's discussion of this version, together with lots of technical details, is at Seasip.
[KD] David Kinder's Guide to Adventure Downloads at the Interactive Fiction Archive.
[KF] See Dalenberg's 2009 enquiry. Not a direct child of WOOD0350, based on the game credits. "KFML" are taken from names credited: Koch, Fry, Moe, Mackey, Markow and Logan.
[LU] No currently known copy of the original source is available. However, Pike, Arnautov, Volker Blasius and Dave Picton collaborated on reconstructing LUPI0440 as ARNA0440. See the latter's history here.
[MA] [OD1] (May 1, 2016) notes that MALM1000 has a "Software Den" identical to LETW0350's, and so supposes Malmberg drew it from that source. In an email of 24 May '16 he asserts, "MALM1000 definitely contains versions of all of GOET0580's innovations", while noting some of the GOET0580 material was imperfectly reproduced, speculating Malmberg may have been working from memory.
[MC] This branch has been a matter of some extended discussion. [D2] has LONG0501 -> ANON0551 -> MCDO0551 -> OLSS0551 et al, calling ANON0551 a "VAX FORTRAN extension of LONG0501". Documentation accompanying PICT0551 suggests a Long/Anon co-authorship for ANON0551. McDonald's own documentation for MCDO0551 also explicitly mentions an anonymous source, with sources such as [HA], [PA] and [KD] picking up McDonald's assertion. Conversely, no independent verification exists for ANON0551. O'Dwyer argues that the McDonald reference is in fact simply McDonald having a bit of a self-deprecating go at himself, and thus the "anonymous" author is just McDonald himself. Thus, MCDO0551 and ANON0551 are in fact the same, and the "anonymous" source of PICT0551 is really MCDO0551. Further, O'Dwyer argues there is no evidence Long ever produced a 551-pt version, or at the least that it never leaked into the wild, so the ghost of LONG0551 has been excised from the tree as well, resulting in the reduced LONG0501 -> MCDO0551 -> OLSS0551 et al / PICT0551 lineage.
[MS] The instruction manual claims, "you have the complete version of the original Adventure. Nothing has been left out of the original DEC version." says it is "a slavishly faithful port of the original, minus only such PDP-centric niceties as 'cave hours,'", claims "the original’s external data file simply copied over to a TRS-80 floppy," and says "Microsoft Adventure is such a perfect clone of the original that it is now the ideal choice of anyone who wants to experience said original in as authentic a form as possible without building a whole virtual PDP-10... ." The in-game help screen says, "This is a complete version of the original M.I.T. * A D V E N T U R E *". Letwin made a few minor additions, the Software Den and two clues: Reading the Spelunker Today yields, "ADDRESSED TO WITT'S END", and to the description of "Breath-Taking View" is added, “WORDS OF FIRE, APPARENTLY HANGING IN AIR, SAY ‘PLOVER.'” See also Moby Games and The Internet Archive. Trivia: this was the first game ever released for MS-DOS. The download links provided are to virtual disk images, which require the appropriate emulator to play.
[NB] Known from a Moby Games entry. UPDATE: New information from Gareth Pitchford. A page from SpectrumWorld describes the game, while here it is said to be "based on" the original but with "a third more locations"; "All the major problems have been reworked, and a great many of the old locations have improved and expanded text" and "a new 'end game'". "Apart from the opening, much of this adventure is the same as Colossal," though some commands are added or modified. All in all, it seems the above-ground map is significantly enhanced, with some backstory added. Whether the below-ground map has changed is unknown. This version was later renamed "A Serf's Tale, A Retelling of the Original Adventure". See here; here; here; here and here; here; here; and here.
[NK] NKMP0350 source code.
[OD1]Private correspondence with Arthur O'Dwyer consisting of a number of emails between 2014 and the present. Sorry, no link. That's why it's called "private" :-)
[OD2]A Delphi Forums discussion from May, 2015.
[ODH]O'Dwyer's README for HALL0501, available at his Github site.
[ODM]O'Dwyer's README for MCDO0551, available at his Github site.
[OL] Per the Moby Games entry, "Generic Adventure 551" was also released for Amiga, though there is no indepdendent verification of that.
[PA] TADS PolyAdventure is six different variants rolled into a single package: BAGG0350, STAD0550, STAD0580, MCDO0551 (some sources suggest an ANON0551 or LONG0551, but see [MC] ), PICT0701 and PICT0805. Descriptions are taken from the opening screen.
[PAL]There are several mentions of Gary Palter, particularly from Dalenberg and in the source code for GRAY0375. No source code has to date been discovered. The game can be played online, and seems to behave identically to WOOD0350.
[PY] There are Moby Games entries for both the TRS-80 and CoCo versions. There is a (not-too-kind) review on p. 21 of of the Aug. 1980 edition of 80 Microcomputing. There are two websites dedicated to Pyramid 2000. While one site claims Pyramid 2000 was a port of PLAT0550, this claim must be in error, as Platt didn't release until 1984. Pyramid 2000 seems, rather, to be a reduced subset of WOOD0350. Figmentfly also has downloadable ROM versions of the game for both the Model I and the CoCo, as well as instruction manuals, source code and online playable versions.
[Q2] While searching for Quest Software's Kaypro II adventure, I discovered the TextAdventures site, featuring an open source Windows game development system called Quest, which allows one to develop text adventure games to run either in a browser or (presumably, I haven't tried it) with their own Windows interpreter. There is a port of "Adventure (Crowther and Woods)" playable either in a browser, or downloadable in what appears to be a proprietary data file for playing offline. So far, I find no indication of any relationship with the Quest Software adventure.
[QU] MOCAGH. A screenshot there of the manual list versions for Kaypro II, Xerox 820-I, Osborne I, Micro Decision, 8" CP/M.
[R2] See also GamingAfter40 and GameBase. Sources differ on dating. The Internet Archive says 1985, other sources 1981, with GameBase claiming "1981-12-31". The advertisement scanned at GamingAfter40 claims "In this version of ADVENTURE you get nothing but the real thing. NOTHING has been added or left out." The ad doesn't explicitly state, but pretty well implies, that this is a port of WOOD0350. Moby Games entry has it published by Adventure International in 1981, while that Moby Games Apple Adeventure! entry, which may or may not be the same version, says 1980, published by Apple Computer, Inc.
[RB] Per O'Dwyer's "In Search of LONG0751, this was an attempt by the author to recreate what he remembered of LONG0751 first in BASIC for the Apple ii, then in Microsoft QBASIC. See the author's notes.
[RS] RASM0350 was an attempt to reproduce as authentically as possible the original Crowther and Woods version at a time when the original sources were still lost. It claims to be based on three versions, CALH0000, an "ISIS-II FORTRAN-77 version" based on WOOD0350 and BLKT0350, and "A FORTRAN version believed to be for a mini-computer (maybe Harris)" (see Moby Games). There is currently no known FORTRAN 77 port of BLKT0350; however, PLOT0350 is a FORTRAN 77 port of SUPN0350, a child of BLKT0350. The third source is completely unknown. According to its Moby Games entry, RASM0350 was released for the Amiga and Atari ST platforms.
[RI] On 8/11/15 "Tom A" posted a query on describing "an old game I played in the early 80's on a CDC NOS machine. Called ADVENTP, it was very similar to ADVENT (the original Adventure). The interesting thing was that it was written in Pascal... ." He had a hard copy of the source code, which read: "ADVENTURE IN PASCAL - MARCH 1979" and "WRITTEN BY GEORGE H. RICHMOND ... AND THE UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO COMPUTING CENTER". Another poster found corroborating evindence in the form of a letter by Richmond published the Sept. '79 issue of Pascal News: ""In my spare time, I have worked on ... a version of Adventure written in PASCAL. The original work was done on a CDC machine using the Release 2 Zurich compiler. Then I transported it to an IBM machine using our modified AAEC compiler. The IBM operating system is MVS with TSO." Though the parentage of RICH0500 was at the time unclear, in a private email, David P. Erickson has demonstrated that it descends from ERIC0350. David has also verified the accuracy of "Tom A"'s post.
[RU] Crowther's original Fortran source was rediscovered in 2007. Shortly thereafter it was "minimally modified to compile under GNU g77" by Matt Russotto. Matt Russotto's site. Also see his announcement.
[SB] Moby Games entry. Downloads of various Spectrum images are available here, where CRL Group PLC is listed as the publisher, and one Ian Ellery is listed as a co-auther along with St. Bride's School. Aside from the added graphics, this does not appear to be a very faithful implementation. The program introduces itself with, "Hi. I'm Trixie, spelunk me." And while you start in front of the well house building, the door is locked. "SCORE" command reports "You have £0,000 two shillings and fourpence three-farthings. A smart spelunker can make £131,000 in part 1." And the game is full of Britishisms such as "You jolly well can't." Per private email from John Elliot, this is intended as a parody.
[SU] The IF Archive download includes two archives. One, RT11SRC, is the source to SUPN0350 and contains ADVENT.DOC, which says, "This version of Adventure is based on two previous versions: A Fortran-10 version done by Willie Crowther and Don Woods. A Fortran-IV-Plus version done by Kent Blackett." These should be WOOD0350 and BLKT0350.
[SW] SWEN0448 was recently redisovered in a collection of ITS software at Github maintained by Lars Brinkhoff, one of the maintainers of the MIT-MC software archives in the 1970s-80s. This variant was a slight modification done in April, 1979 by Eric J. Swenson (mentioned in the comments only as "EJS@MC"; identified as Eric J. Swenson in a private email from Lars) of a 448-pt version from Brown University. That version, now lost, was in turn an expansion of WOOD0350 to 448 points. Other than some (likely fairly trivial) modifications for the ITS system, EJS appears to have made only a single change to BROW0448: the "Brown University scholarship" was renamed "MIT scholarship".
[UC] Mentioned in [D2]. Dalenberg provides more information in his 2009 enquiry.
[UP] Known from the download page for the Z80pack emulator system. Source code awaits extraction and examination from the provided disk image.
[?] Source of the information is unknown.
[VA] From a private email from Arthur O'Dwyer, dated 13 July 2016.
[VM] While source to a 350-pt VM/CMS PL/1 port was recently rediscovered and placed online, there is no certainty in identifying it with either Dalenberg's VMCM0350, or the PL/1 version mentioned in the credits for BECK0500. All three are presumed to be the same only because there is no information that any other PL/1 port existed at that early date. O'Dwyer also thinks this may be descended not directly from WOOD0350, but from one of the Fortran ports because, like them, it lacks both the cave hours and wizard mode.
[WA] An analysis by A. O'Dwyer finds that this was more an Inform experiment in grafting on Enchanter-style spells, in which spell names largely functioned merely as synonyms for other commands. E.g., instead of "UNLOCK GRATE WITH KEYS" one could say "REZROV GRATE". "The spells weren't added in the service of story or puzzle; they were added as an experiment/demo, for Inform programmers, of 'how to add an Enchanter-style spell system to an arbitrary existing game'". In fact, behavior of some spells (e.g., XYZZY, PLUGH, PLOVER) broke game play. There were no other modifications to the game.
[WI] Documentation included with the download of WITB0000. The History notes do not confirm [D2]'s claim that this was a port of JAEG0000. They begin in 1982 with Greg Huntzinger, who claims only to have corrected some spelling errors in some of the data files. Huntzinger doesn't specify his source is, so parentage is unknown. The JAEG0000 source is lost, so no comparison can be done. In 1985, Bob Withers ported the code to the Eco-88 compiler. That code is also apparently lost. In 1990 he ported the Eco-88 code to Microsoft C. Based on [D2]'s claim, then, I am positing JAEG0000 --> HUNT0000 --> WITH0000 --> WITB0000.
[WO] In calling WOOD0430 a "C extension of WOOD0350[D2], Dahlenberg elides it with WOOD043B. From WOOD0430's MAIN.C: "ADVENTURE (REV 2: 20 TREASURES) / 15-TREASURE VERSION (ADVENTURE) BY DON WOODS, APRIL-JUNE 1977 / 20-TREASURE VERSION (REV 2) BY DON WOODS, AUGUST 1978". From WOOD0430's in-game NEWS command: "Version 2.5 is essentially the same as Version II; the cave and the hazards therein are unchanged, and top score is still 430 points." And from RAYM0430's MAIN.C: "it [the WOOD0430 code] is a result of running the original Fortran IV source through a home-brew Fortran-to-C converter." And from an email from Don Wood to Rod Lockwood provided by Rod: ""When I added stuff to go from 350 points to 430 points, I definitely thought of it as v2. ... The differences between v2 and v2.5 were of a different sort; indeed, I think I may have invented the name v2.5 to refer to my port from Fortran to C. (Which I did using a converter program I wrote in Mesa.) There were no new parts to the game in v2.5." (For the full text of the email, view the source of this page.) It seems pretty clear version 2 was the 1978 430-point Fortran IV code, while Adventure 2.5 (WOOD0430) is the 1995 Fortran-to-C conversion with a few addtional hints but otherwise unchanged.
[YO] YONG_XXX's Moby Games entry: "The folk(s) at Intelligent-Digital here have adapted a 48k Spectrum version of ... Crowther's ADVENTURE, to their own unique .NET point-and-click interface. ...many puzzles (especially the mazes of twisty little passages) have been consciously streamlined out of this game's design, resulting in an overall easier game to match the intended friendlier interface."


Universal350: my universal walkthrough for all known 350-pt. variants. And...
Universal550: one for the PLAT0550 family.
Russell Dalenberg's Adventure Family Tree. (Russel's site and cached)
Russell Dalenberg's "Versions and ports of Adventure known to exist". (Russel's site and cached)
Arthur O'Dwyer's Adventure Family Tree. Since Arthur's focus is on the evolution of the game qua game, his tree by design omits many of the details of this tree.
Russell Dalenberg's 2009 enquiry looking for lost versions of Adventure. I've added a few from this list to the tree, those with something more substantive than just someone saying, "Anyone remember a 672-point version?"
David Jerz's announcement on 8/11/07 of the rediscovery of the original Crowther code, together with Matt Russotto's announcement of his update to compile under g77.
Rick Adams' "A History of Adventure".
David Kinder's Guide to Adventure Downloads.
Somewhere Nearby is Colossal Cave: Examining Will Crowther's Original Adventure in Code and in Kentucky. Everyone knows Crowther based Adventure on his caving experiences in Bedquilt Cavern in Kentucky. How closely does the game match reality? Dennis G. Jerz answers the question definitively.


BAF's Guide to the IF Archive
This work is an expansion of Russell Dalenberg's Adventure Family Tree and Versions and Ports of Adventure known to exist.
Arthur O'Dwyer: Arthur is responsible for several ports in this chart, and has been extensively researching the history of several branches of the Adventure tree. Much information has come from him. Thanks!

What's New

21 Jul 2023
  • Yes, first update in two years
  • Added download link for GERA_XXX and the CPC version of AUST1100.
  • Per info from Mike Arnautov, corrected release dates for ARNA0660 and ARNA0770 from 1995 and 2006 to 1984-85 and 2003 respectively.
27 Feb 2021
  • Renamed WNAW0448 to SWEN0448, added BROW0448. Revamped notes and footnote for both versions.
23 Feb 2021
17 Jan 2021
  • Fiddled with a:hover -- added text-radius and box-shadow effects.
16 Aug 2020
  • Added reference to GOET0350 to footnote [BK] for clarification.
12 Aug 2020
09 Aug 2020
  • Added to [GO] credit to Mike and Arthur.
  • Have removed GOET0565 and GOED0565. The former likely was never released; the latter was simply a recompile for PCs and so doesn't seem to deserve its own name. The Goetz branch is now reduced to just two members: GOET0550 and GOET0580.
  • Reworked the tree in light of the reduction of the Goetz branch. Also tinkered elsewhere just to make things look more balanced and less crowded.
  • Rewrote [GO] again to accomodate the removal of GOET0565 and GOED0580.
08 Aug 2020
  • Complete rewrite of footnote [GO], from information provided by Mike Arnautov.
  • Rewrite of descriptions of GOET0350 - GOED0580.
  • Added ARNA0350.
  • Changed "GOET058D" to "GOED0580" to bring it in line with the standard nomenclature rules.
07 Aug 2020
  • More updates per a series of emails from Mike Arnautov, who has been busy on the Goetz branch.
  • Updates to descriptions of GOET0350 - GOET0580.
  • Per Mike, HEAL0550 is "effectively A-Code", so updating the code to "Javascript, A-Code", and footnote [HE].
  • More updates to footnote [GO].
06 Aug 2020
  • Updated footnote [GO]; added download link to GOET0580 to the new A-code versions at Mike Arnautov's site.
26 Jul 2020
  • Re-orged the tree below GOET0550. Long ago (see footnote [BH]) Ravi Bhavani informed me BHCH0565 was derived directly from GOET0550, not GOET0565 as other information suggested. Apparently, I'd never updated the tree to reflect that.
06 Jul 2020
  • From information received from Gareth Pitchford (thank you!), EVIS0350 and the footnote EV have been updated.
  • More information from Gareth led to updates of BROO_XXX and footnote NB.
  • Gareth has also let me know that ADSO_XXX is, in fact, just BROO_XXX; so I have retired ADSO_XXX, reducing variant count to 180.
28 Jun 2020
26 Jun 2020
  • James Hartley's (HART0350) site is gone. Have added download link to my local copy.
  • More styling issues, again with Firefox 77 under Kubuntu 20.04. Too much line spacing. Have added line-height: 110% to close the gaps. Not specifying line height seems to lead to a default of 133%. Reducing this to 105% fixes the issue on Firefox, and doesn't cause any undo issues on Safari/iOS, which are the two environments I run regularly. Haven't checked against other environments.
  • The comment "For a list of changes to this page, view the page source." at the bottom of the page should have been removed three years ago when I moved What's New to front-facing three years ago. Better late than never.
25 Jun 2020
  • Reworked the tree.
  • Scott Healey got in touch and sent me a copy of a REXX port of WOOD0350 he did some years ago. I've taxonomized it as HEAR0350, added it to the tree and made the source code available from this site. Also updated footnote [HE] with information from Scott.
  • Had in multiple places mistyped MCDO0051 instead of MCDO0551. I think all are corrected now.
23 Jun 2020
21 Jun 2020
  • Rod Lockwood pointed me to source and excecutable for WALT0350; added links. Thanks!
  • Received emails from Rod Lockwood which included a copy of an email he'd received from Don Wood confirming many of the details in the footnote [WO]. I have updated that footnote accordingly. Thanks for the info, Rod.
  • Fixed a typo in footnote [AN].
  • In stylesheet replaced pre { font-family: monospace; } with pre { font-family: Courier; }, because Firefox 77 under Kubuntu Linux 20.04 wasn't displaying the tree in a monospaced font.
24-25 Jan 2020
18 Jan 2019
  • Added download link for Win 3.1 version of MALM1000
16-17 Jan 2019
  • Changed WELL0550's date from "1985" to "1982-85", and PLAT0550's from "1984" to "1979-84".
  • Moved the Github link to LUPI0440 over to ARNA0440, as that's what it was. Added footnotes [A2] and [LU].
  • Added a link to my new Universal550 walkthrough.
  • Corrected a link in the description of ARNS0220.
  • Corrected a typo somewhere.
13 Jan 2019
  • Arthur O'Dwyer questioned my taxonomizing of Pyramid 2000 as progeny of PLAT0550, which I did based on a claim here. However, PLAT0550 postdates Pyramid, so I have retaxonomized ARNS0550 and ARNC0220 as ARNS0220 and ARNC0220, and made them progeny of WOOD0350.
  • Renamed LONG0500 to LONG0501.
  • Major re-working of the tree to add vertical space (t was getting quite crowded) and to re-alphabetize the "Others" column. In the process of checking links, I discovered that I still had AUST1100 taxonomized as AUST_XXX in the tree (now corrected) and a couple of other minor link issues.
9-12 Jan 2019
  • Based on an email received from David P. Erickson, have added ERIC0350 and ERIP0350 and made RICH0500 and child of ERIC0350.
  • Filled in a number of Language and Platform details.
  • Added CONR_XXX, though it appears to be not a straight Adventure variant, but an amalgam of part of Adventure with heavy borrowings from DUNGEON.
  • Added ARNS0550, ARNC0550, BAZZ0350, RUBY0751, CALL0350, MURP0350 and RHOD0350. Total variants now 169, up from 96 when this page first went online, and more than an eight-fold increase from Dalenberg's original tree.
10 Nov 2017
  • Added Z8 download link to KNUT0350.
  • Added PICT0701 source download link.
  • Added "e.g., [PA]" to notes for LONG0501 so I don't keep getting confused by the 501-pt Long in PolyAdventure's docs.
  • Deleted the internal WHAT'S NEW section since I've now got a public-facing WHAT'S NEW. Reduces file size by some 12K and 155 lines.
  • Ditto for the ASCII version of the tree I'd been preserving in the page source, but which is now hopelessly out of sync with the public-facing line-graphics version. Another 11K and 44 lines.
9 Nov 2017
  • Unpicking some nits discovered by Arthur. Fixed typo "MCDO0551" in KINM0551 description.
  • Added JAME0551, which appears to be a port of MCDO0551 to PANOS 1.4 for the BBC Micro/BBC Master.
  • Added a link in the Links section to Arthur O'Dwyer's version of the family tree at GitHub.
  • Per O'Dwyer, have removed ANON0551 and LONG0551 and promoted MCDO0551 to parent of PICT0551. See [MC] for more discussion.
  • Per the above, have had to do rewrites in a number of places, including the descriptions of MCDO0551 and PICT0551, footnotes such as [MC], [HA] and [PA]. There are undoubtedly bits I've missed, which I'll try to catch.
  • Adding one and deleting two brings the total variants to 158.
22 Aug 2017
20 Aug 2017
  • Rewrote descriptions for several Goetz versions for greater concision.
  • Changed section title "Versions and Ports known to exist" to "All Known Versions of Adventure" and moved the descriptor "An expansion of Russell Dalenberg's "Versions and Ports of Adventure known to exist" to the Credits section.
19 Aug 2017
  • Leilei Lee emailed me to let me know she had compiled RUSS000 for Linux. Added download links for the binaries at
  • Fixed a missing link in footnote RU.
11 Aug 2017
  • Updated footnote [BH].
  • Updated description of GOET0580 for clarity.
4 Aug 2017
  • Updated footnote [CA].
  • Cleaned up a name= names in the What's New section.
3 Aug 2017
  • Found downloads of source and executable for RAUS0350 at Internet Archive. Added links and rewrote footnote [R2].
  • Cleaned up a name= names in the What's New section.
2 Aug 2017
  • Straightened out the various versions of Microsoft Adventure (LETW0350) and added download links for them.
  • Updated and tidied footnote BH, and added download links for sources of BHAV0565 and BHCH0565.
  • Complete reworking of descriptions of all the Goetz versions, and added footnote [GO]. Also discovered Goetz' Ver C01 for DOS, which I hadn't before known existed. Added GOED0580 to versions list and tree.
1 Aug 2017
  • Merged APPL0350 into SCBA0350. There doesn't seem to be enough enough to be sure they're separate versions.
  • Tidied up the right side of the tree, making things look a little cleaner.
31 July 2017
  • Thanks to Anthony Hope, who found SCBA0350 over at the Internet Archive, and pointed out that while I had it in the versions list, it wasn't it the tree. Added it to the tree, and added the download link.
  • Added "The" to "Adventure Family Tree" in banner.
  • Time for this page to stand on its own. Replaced "A reworking of Russell Dalenberg's chart to incorporate more recent research, with more than seven times the versions." with the new tagline. The quote is from Eric S. Raymonds.
  • After a bit of googling, I'm of the conclusion WOOD0430 was completed in 1978 in Fortran, and was called by Woods "Version 2". He then ported the Fortran to C in 1995, calling it Version 2.5. I've modified the description of WOOD0430 and added footnote [WO].
  • Added additional sources for VANE0560.
  • Added RAUS0350,RAYM0430 and WOOD043B.
  • Redesignated SCOP0366 as EWHH0366 to reflect naming convention using authors' names rather than programming language.
3 July 2017
  • Tweaked Versions table styling to make the version name stand out more.
30 May 2017
  • Added download link for HAMO0350.
  • Per Arthur Dwyer, the link to "Unix source" I had for POHL0350 was in fact to source for LUMM0350. Have moved it to LUMM0350.
  • Noticed the Moby Games entry I had for LUMM0350 was really to HAMO0350, so deleted it.
  • Added ANON0340, a link to which was discovered by Arthur in the Wikipedia talk page for Colossal Cave Adventure.
  • Commented out the "Visit our all new Adventure Wiki" since that hasn't gone anywhere (yet).
20 Oct 2016
  • Fixed typo in link to IF Archive in footnote IFA.
19 Oct 2016
  • Reworked the color scheme.
16 Oct 2016
  • Per private email from John Elliot, STBS_XXX is intended as a parody, not a faithful port, so I'm removing it from the tree.
15 Oct 2016
  • Filled in release dates for a few versions.
14 Oct 2016
  • Added link to Adventure Wiki
12 Oct 2016
  • Reworked STBS_XXX entry. Added download link and footnote [SB].
  • Added JONE_XXX into tree (was in the list already) then redesignated it as JONE0210 based on communication with John Elliot.
  • Added footnote [QU] for QUEST_XXX, updated the systems it runs on in the description.
  • Added the MOCAGH link in footnote [GI].
  • Added HARR0235, EVIS0350, MCGU_XXX, MOMA_XXX, ADSO_XXX all found at World of Spectrum. Brings total versions to 153.
  • Added World of Spectrum download link to AUST0350.
  • Discovered GERR_XXX on the 'net. Then discovered I already had a GERR_XXX. Then discovered *that* version was by Peter Gerard. So redesignated GERR_XXX as GERA_XXX and added the new GERR_XXX by Jim Gerrie. Then realized since it was a port of CROW0000 it should be designated GERR0000, so changed it.
  • Had FULL0000, a "simple recompile of RUSS0000" in the right-hand "Other" column but it should descend from RUSS000. Moved it.
  • Discovered JAME_XXX at the HP 9845 Project site and added it.
11 Oct 2016
  • Noticed I had JONE0210 in the list but not in the tree. Added it.
  • Added play online and download links to JONE0210, along with footnote with lots of links.
  • Added link in Links to Jerz's "Somewhere Nearby".
12 Sep 2016
  • Email from Mike Arnautov pointing out I'd called him "Dave" in a footnote. Corrected.
  • Discovered I had twice misspelled Ravi Bhavnani's name as "Bhavani". Corrected.
  • Noticed a "Test" link in the Links section I'd forgotten to remove. Gone.
  • Link to previous version in Links section broken, leading to the discovery that the previous version's previous version link was also broken, and so on, back to the original and highly controversial creation of the universe. Entire chain now fixed.
  • Set footnote section reference to align-top, added top and bottom cell padding to each row; this seems to be less visually confusing.
  • Fixed a footnote reference: RICH0500 notes were linked to [RA] instead of [RI].
  • Replaced the words "See below for a key to version codes." with "For a list of changes to this page, view the page source." and deleted the "Change History" section. Seemed silly to have an entire section header for just a one-line note.
  • Replaced "previous version" link in links section with (unobtrusive) « » after Last Update date at top of page. More intuitive and easier navigation.
18 Jul 2016
  • Added VANE0560 and BENH0350 entries Finally finished adding the variants discovered at Moby Games. Total variants now 148. Huge tree rearrangement and recreation, including switch to line-drawing characters from ASCII. Gives a cleaner visual, and is easier to follow. However, some browsers display them a bit funny. Have not re-colorized branches.
19 Jun 2016
  • Continuing to add variants from MOCAGH; also discovered MANO_XXX at's Atari games repository, playable online.
31 May 2016
  • With the discovery of the original source of RICH_XXX, I've changed its designation to RICH0500.
29 May 2016
  • Corrected year for ECSC0430 then changed designation to CARM0430.
  • Continued gathering information and screenshots from nearly two dozen other variants, discovered at Moby Games and MOCGH. All now organized in the Other variants/ folder. Time now to add them into the tree. That will bring total variant count to 147 or exactly seven times Dalenberg's original tree, up from 102 when I began this renewed push a month ago.
26 May 2016
  • Added CRAY0350, together with download link.
  • Moved MALM1000 and descendants to hang them off GOET0580 instead of directly off PLAT0550.
25 May 2016
  • Removed Version column. I never looked at that info.
24 May 2016
  • Added download link for VMCM0350, along with footnote [VM].
  • Added Language and Platform columns. Now to start filling them in.
16 May 2016
  • Moved the GILL0350->KING0350 branch over to the right side in order to make GIBI0375 a descendant of GILL0350.
15 May 2016
  • Added a subdomain on the server ( and changed the page name from Adventure.html to index.html. Now accessible as
  • Added HOLL0350.
14 May 2016
  • Per an email from O'Dwyer, changed the designation of WHIN0350 to WHIN0450 and added download links for it.
  • Re-orged the tree to show WHIN0450 as descending from both POHL0350 and KENN0000.
12 May 2016
  • Added download links for PONT0350, RAMS0350, RASM0350, ROBB0350, KENN0000. Now only 28 out of 121 versions (23%) have no known source.
  • Lots of pruning and grafting to accomodate newer information and get things to look nicer.
  • Added NELD0350. Total versions now 122.
11 May 2016
  • Added download links for MALM0350, NELS0350, OSKA0501, one other. Downloaded them to my archives.
  • Added two or three footnote references.
  • Changed designation of OSKA0500 to OSKA0501 based on the description at the IF Archive.
  • Added more downloaded files to my archives.
  • Reverted WITH0000 download to "None Known" because the linked-to file was for WITB0000.
  • Reworked the tree around JAEG0000. Previously had WITH0000 and WITB0000 as siblings and direct children of JAEG0000. See footnote [WI] for discussion
10 May 2016
  • Having managed to extract the BECK_XXX files from the original disk images, I've verified it's a 500-pt version. Have changed the designation to BECK0500, and added the files to my archives. Will also upload a copy to the IF Archives.
  • Added download links for most of the David Kinder ports as well as TICM0350.
6 May 2016
  • Lots more undocumented changes. Today added two new versions: RICH_XXX and UCSD_XXXX, bringing the total to 119. Changed "more than five times" to "almost six times".
3 May 2016
  • Got hold of CP/M version of GIBI0375. Added it to the site and uploaded a copy to the IF Archives.
  • Reworked the description of GRAY0375.
2 May 2016
  • Moved DOVE0550 to under GOET0550.
  • Moved GRAY0375 to shared parentage with WOOD0350 and GIBI0375.
  • Other rearranging of the tree to get things to fit neatly.
1 May 2016
  • Added GRAY0375.
  • Bunches of other stuff I've neglected to note.
30 Apr 2016
  • Have been lumping all changes over the past week under 23 Apr. Have decided it's time create a new entry.
  • Following O'Dwyer's lead, have renamed POHL0000 to POHL0350; HELL0000 to HELL0350; DAIM0000 to DAIM0350. Still investigating whether to rename CALH0000 and KENN0000.
  • Found a copy of Microsoft Adventure, added it to the tree.
  • Added KFML0700 and BREE_XXX.
23 Apr 2016
  • Beginning Apr 23, over several days I've been making numerous changes and corrections per an email from Arthur O'Dwyer dated 18 January which sat undiscovered in my Gmail inbox until today.
  • Changed the description of FULL0350. Old description: "Port to Mac OS X of "original 350 point version". No further info as to parentage." Dunno where I got that. O'Dwyer reports that its data file, "advdat11.dat", is identical to CROW0000 and that, contrary to its taxonomic designation, it does not have 350 points, so I've redesignated it FULL0000.
  • Had ODWY0550 twice in my list; corrected the second to ODWY0551.
  • Removed "in progress" for the ODWY0440 description as Arthur reports it's as done as it will likely ever be.
  • Corrected "BKLT0350" to "BLKT0350".
  • Added SCOP0366, together with links to the source, from information from O'Dwyer2.
  • LIDI0365 has been redesignated LIDI0366, removed from "Others" and made "a descendant of SUPN0350 by way of SCOP0366", based on Arthur's comments in O'Dywer2: "Russell Dalenberg refers to a "LIDI0365" derived from WOOD0350. I think that this is mistaken on two counts: it should be "LIDI0366", and it is descended from WOOD0350 indirectly: WOOD0350 begat BLKT0350 begat SUPN0350 begat something (let's say "SCOP0366"), which in turn begat LIDI0366." LIDI0365's old description was taken directly from Dalenberg.
  • Added download links for KNUT0350.
  • LONG0500. O'Dwyer feels it should be 0501; Dalenberg calls it 0500 and gives it two 500-pt. descendants. I'll leave it as LONG0500 for now, until I I get some clarification on this.
  • Finally managed to squeeze HALL0501 in; took a lot of rearranging.
  • Added the Change History and Bibliography sections at the end of the page.
  • With the addition of local archives of as many versions of Adventure as I could find, decided it was time to move the site out of my Infocom website to its own location. Now at
  • Struck out the link to HART0350. Got the link from Dalenberg's page, but it's broken.
  • Removed "Source" from the links column for MUNO0370 because it wasn't linked to anything.
  • Replaced the ñ in Paul Muñoz-Colman's name with the html code so it will display properly.
  • Linked the words "Russell Dalenberg's chart" to his online chart (amazing I'd never done that before).
  • Added PICT0551, based on introductory screen of PolyAdventure.
  • Changed description of PICT0701 to match format of PICT0551's description.
  • Found a source for YONG_XXXX.
  • Been working through descriptions adding footnotes. This involves changing the descriptions for many variants, it's just too much work to note every change. Compare to a previous version of this page if you're really curious.
  • Updated links for BAGG0350. CCR.ZIP, linked to as the DOS version, downloads and extracts, but everything inside seems corrupted.
  • Removed "both his and my" from "A reworking of Russell Dalenberg's chart to incorporate both his and my more recent research" since the chart now incorporates others' (e.g., O'Dwyer's) research as well.
28 July 2015
20 March 2014
  • Added markup and CSS to style the four main branches.
  • Discovered Arthur O'Dwyer's four versions over on Github and squeezed them into the tree, bringing total to exactly 100.
  • Added the Download column, filled in a few. Many more to do.

Maintained by Nathanael CJE Culver

Comments? Corrections? Additions? Send to